Early this summer the Ministry of Education announced its plans to help students get back on track within the classroom. Some of the initiatives consist of :
tutoring programs funding by the ministry
summer learning programs in literacy and numeracy
increase funding and support for students with exceptional needs
specialized funding for students at risk, racialized groups, black and indigenous communities.
Financial funding and support in these key areas are positive step in the right direction to help Ontario students. In addition, here are more simple easy steps to help students get back on track to success in the classroom.
Colour Code School Subjects: By nature humans are visual creatures, using visual cues can help to make sure students remain organize, and are prepared. To ensure that they do not forget their homework at school, or at home colour code school materials based on subjects. This can be extremely helpful for middle school students who tend to have multiple subjects with different teachers. All notebooks and binders related to math will be coded in red. Do not forget to colour code timetables as well. You can also colour code folders online via Google Drive and other cloud storage place. (I keep a copy of all my assignments on my hardrive and in the cloud, the worst thing is to lose and assignment and have to start again always want to have a back up) Here is how I colour code my subjects.
Red = Math
Yellow= Science
Blue = English
Green= Geography
Create a dedicated workspace: Just as parents need a dedicated workspace, students need one too. Create a desk or table that is solely dedicated to your child's learning space. This should be a clean, clutter free space that is distraction free. Ensure the space is equipped with necessary supplies such as pencil, pens, highlighter, rule, calculator and eraser ready at hand also helps to minimize distraction and optimize productivity.
Break It Down: This is just a life lesson that we all struggle with sometimes. A lot of students struggle with how to attack an assignment. Students becomes so focused on the finished process that they are skipping important steps to help them reach their destination. In the study plan you need to breakdown the steps and process for completing an assignment or studying for a test. For example completing a paper some key steps students miss.
Organizing Ideas
Editing and Reviewing
Breaking down the steps for each assignment or test is part of your study plan. Think about Usain Bolt, he did not just show up to the 2016 Olympics no training or practice to win the race. It was years of preparation of speed training, workout, healthy eating, practice that helped him win the gold medal. It is the same process when attacking an assignment there are critical steps along the way that will help bring student success to get that A.
Set A Reminder: With everything going on in our busy days it is easy to forget what needs to be done and when. Once students have a study plan and broken down the task need to complete assignments schedule reminders. Students can use the phone or electronic calendars, or use the old fashion agenda that student fees pay for, to mark important dates. For younger children mom and dad having a calendar for your child will also help them to visually see what needs to be done and when. It does not have to be fancy just make note and write it down somewhere that is visible and won't be forgotten.

2020 is not over we still have the power to change the ending and making it a successful year. Regardless implementing some or even all of these tips will help excel students ahead, there is #NoLearningLimits to what can be achieved. Wishing all the students a happy, safe and successful school year.