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How to prepare my child for transition?

Writer's picture: Shakira RouseShakira Rouse

When should I start to prepare my child for Middle School? Is it too late to start preparing for high school? How do we get ready for university? In one way or another parents are often asking me questions in regards to transitioning and getting their child ready for the next academic milestone. It does not matter if your child is in grade 3, or 13 the present moment is the perfect time to start preparing students for transitioning.

What is transition?

The Oxford dictionary defines transition as the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. In an educational senses this is a period where students are getting ready to move to a higher grade or new school. Three critical periods of transition for all students are the change to: middle school, high school and post-secondary.

Making the transition to any of these levels can be overwhelming of any students and may be a bigger hurdle for students with a learning disability. Not only is there an increase of work load, but the demand and expectations of students are higher and it takes more than good attendance to make the grade.Here is what to keep in mind:

Organization is key. At the elementary level students become use to having one teacher for multiple subjects. At higher levels, students begin to rotate classrooms and have multiple teachers for different subjects they become responsible for maintaining their notes, and materials for each class. Developing strong organization skills is critical, because it helps to ensure notes are accurate, all material is present when completing assignments and studying for test. Having an organization system that is easy and convenient for student to implement helps them to take charge in their education. Organization tips:

  • Incorporate Colour- Colour code notebooks for each subject. Ex. Math red, English Blue Science Yellow etc. If notes are stored electronically students can colour code folders as well.

  • Write a title, subheadings, date and page number, when taking notes either off the board of from a text book. Write the heading of the chapter, date and number each page of notes that are taken.

  • Make use of an agenda. It does not matter if its hard copy or electronic utilize calendars. Plan study time for each subject, time to complete homework, and most importantly time for fun. I always suggest to plan to finish 5 days before the actual due date.

Know the requirements. You will be amazed how many students have to repeat course, cannot get into specific programs, or have to delay graduation because of course selection. Especially at the secondary and post-secondary level, where students are required to select and register for course, it is important that students are aware of which course are mandatory, or prerequisites for other courses. Course selection puts learner of specific paths, and open doors to different career options.

Money Management. Financial management is key at any stage but if you have a child that is moving away for university or college maintaining a budget can be even more critical. Tuition, Books, transportation, and housing etc are costly especially on a student budget (which is some case is zero). Helping students to understand how to make a budget, how to stick to it when they are living away from home or taking on more responsibility is important, and can help to avoid some serious financial disasters. Important financial lessons to consider:

  • Make a budget

  • How to save emergency and large expenses

  • How to use credit wisely

It’s a new year, new decade and a new start to school year. Although it can be a struggle getting back into the school routine, take this slow period to help prepare for what is going to happen next. Be proactive and prepare now for the next stage. It is your child future and education, and there are #NoLearningLimits to what they can achieve.



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